Mount and blade warband looted towns
Mount and blade warband looted towns

mount and blade warband looted towns mount and blade warband looted towns

While the initial comments were pretty nice, as I started to get ready for this particular review I went back to my original article (only available in Swedish, sorry) and noticed that a whole bunch of angrier readers had turned up since I last looked. And niche products tend to draw out the more furious fanboys from the pack. After all, Mount & Blade was - and is - a pretty niche product.

mount and blade warband looted towns

When I reviewed the first Mount & Blade, I decided to warn the readers in advance that the more hardcore of the players would probably not agree with me. While everyone and their grandmother (and probably their dog at some point in the future) can set up a blog and start writing about video games, it takes a particularly thick skin to tackle some of the comments you might get.

Mount and blade warband looted towns